Seasons in German

There are 4 seasons in German, just like in English. As in many languages, seasons are usually written with a lower case letter in German.

Although the seasons do not have a specific date range, in general Frühling (Spring) covers March, April and May; Sommer (Summer) covers June, July and August; Herbst (Autumn) covers September, October and November; and Winter (Winter) covers December, January and February.

Seasons in German

The seasons are as follows in German:

  • Frühling: Spring
  • Sommer: Summer
  • Herbst: Autumn
  • Winter: Winter

The important thing when using the seasons in German is to use the correct seasonal word when indicating which season you are in or which season an event will take place in.

For example, the sentence “Wir fahren im Sommer in den Urlaub” means “We go on vacation in the summer”.

This shows that the ability to correctly express time and seasons is important when learning or using German. This is an important step to strengthen grammar and to speak more accurately and naturally.

How to use Seasons in German in a sentence?

A few sample sentences about the seasons in German:

  1. Der Winter ist sehr kalt. (Winter is very cold.)
  2. Ich liebe den Frühling, weil die Blumen blühen. (I love spring because the flowers bloom.)
  3. Wir fahren im Sommer oft an den Strand. (In summer we often go to the beach.)
  4. Im Herbst fallen die Blätter von den Bäumen. (In the fall the leaves fall from the trees.)
  5. Der Frühling ist die beste Zeit zum Wandern. (Spring is the best time for hiking.)
  6. Im Winter schneit es oft. (It often snows in winter.)
  7. Meine Geburtstag ist im Sommer. (My birthday is in summer.)
  8. Im Herbst ernten wir Äpfel. (In the fall we pick apples.)
  9. Ich trage im Winter immer einen Schal und Handschuhe. (I always wear a scarf and gloves in winter.)
  10. Der Sommer ist meine Lieblingsjahreszeit, weil ich das warme Wetter mag. (Summer is my favorite season because I love the hot weather.)

These examples show how the seasons are used in German. These are typical sentences used in everyday conversation or writing.

How to shoot the seasons in German?

In German, seasons are usually not inflected, because they are nouns and are used without a definite pronoun or adjective. However, each of the season nouns has a specific gender, and this gender is associated with the definite and indefinite article (der, die, das, ein, eine, ein) and adjective conjugations. Here is a table:

Season (Jahreszeit)ArtikelGender
der FrühlingderMasculine (Masculine)
der SommerderMasculine (Masculine)
der HerbstderMasculine (Masculine)
der WinterderMasculine (Masculine)

For example, if we use an adjective and we conjugate it:

der kalte Wintercold winter
der warme Sommerhot summer

Here, the adjectives “kalt” and “warm” are conjugated to match the season nouns.

A table showing how season names are conjugated in a certain situation (kasus) in German could be as follows:

Situation/Kasus (Fälle)der Frühling (spring)der Sommer (summer)der Herbst (fall)der Winter
Nominativder Frühlingder Sommerder Herbstder Winter
Akkusativden Frühlingden Sommerden Herbstden Winter
Dativdem Frühlingdem Sommerdem Herbstdem Winter
Genitivdes Frühlingsdes Sommersdes Herbstesdes Winters

For example:

  • Nominativ: “Der Frühling ist schön.” (Spring is beautiful.)
  • Accusative: “Ich mag den Sommer.” (I like summer.)
  • Dativ: “Im Herbst fallen die Blätter von den Bäumen.” (In the fall, leaves fall from the trees.)
  • Genitiv: “Während des Winters ist es oft sehr kalt.” (In winter it is usually very cold.)

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