A1 German Verbs List (PDF)

Learn German AI verbs online with Deutsches Glass.


Today we present you the A1 German Verbs List. This list is a very useful resource for those who are just starting to learn German.

Click here for an introduction to German A1 topics.

Learning German can be an exciting adventure for those who want to discover a new language and culture. However, it is important to have the right resources when learning a language. This list contains the most frequently used verbs at A1 level and is accompanied by their English meanings.

In this list, you will find verbs that are frequently used in everyday life.

There are many different verbs in German, from the verb “kommen” meaning “to come” to the verb “einkaufen” meaning “to shop”, from the verb “lesen” meaning “to read a book” to the verb “Sport treiben” meaning “to play sports”.

Providing each verb with its English equivalent will facilitate your learning process.

This list also provides examples of the use of verbs with some phrases and idioms. This will give you more practice as you learn how to make sentences with correct expressions in German.

At the same time, you will expand your German vocabulary and improve your communication skills.

If you would like to download the list of German A1 level verbs as a PDF, please fill out the short form below

A1 Fiilerin Listesi

Here are A1 German Verbs

German VerbEnglish Translation
kommento come
wohnento reside, to live
arbeitento work
trinkento drink
sprechento speak
nehmento take
antwortento answer
fragento ask
möchtento want, to wish
habento have
kostento cost
funktionierento work, to function
zahlento pay
bezahlento pay
brauchento need
lesento read
ordnento organize
ergänzento supplement, to complete
machento make, to do
heißento be called, to be named
lernento learn
schreibento write
suchento search, to look for
hörento hear, to listen
einschaltento turn on
ausschaltento turn off
essento eat
öffnento open
schließento close, to lock
einladento invite
duschento shower
waschento wash
sich waschento wash oneself
vorbereitento prepare
bekommento receive, to get
kochento cook
schneidento cut
holento fetch, to get
abholento pick up
findento find
suchento search, to look for
wünschento wish
redento talk
lebento live
erziehento raise, to educate
den Haushalt machento do the household chores
sehento see
aussehento look, to appear
ausfallento be cancelled
stattfindento take place
besichtigento visit, to tour
einsteigento board, to get in
aussteigento get off, to disembark
sich freuento be happy, to rejoice
sich anmeldento register, to sign up
sich treffento meet
sich entschuldigento apologize
sich bedankento thank
wissento know
kennento know, to be familiar with
kennenlernento get to know
biegento bend, to turn
abbiegento turn off
überweisento transfer (money)
ausfüllento fill out
mietento rent
vermietento rent out
ansehento look at, to watch
einpackento pack
hochtragento carry up
tragento carry, to wear
schmeckento taste
spazieren gehento go for a walk
lächelnto smile
lachento laugh
Sport treibento do sports
bestelento order
denkento think
Ski fahrento ski
Fussball spielento play football/soccer
Gitarre spielento play the guitar
weinento cry
helfento help
gefallento like, to please
verdienento earn
gewinnento win
verlierento lose
putzento clean
fliegento fly
abfahrento depart
abfliegento take off (plane)
ankommento arrive
landento land
umsteigento transfer, to change
umziehento move (house)
begrüßento greet
wehtunto hurt
erklärento explain
erreichento reach
giessento water, to pour
fütternto feed
grillento barbecue
kontrollierento check, to control
mögento like
notierento note, to record
organisierento organize
planento plan
sagento say
sammelnto collect, to gather
studierento study (at university)
gehörento belong
vergleichento compare
abnehmento lose weight
abschließento finish, to lock
ausziehento move out, to undress
anziehento put on, to dress
sich anziehento get dressed
sich ausziehento undress
anbietento offer
dabeihabento have with you
empfehlento recommend
hinfallento fall down
hinfliegento fly to
kaufento buy
spielento play
liegento lie down
legento lay
stehento stand
stellento put, to place
wiederholento repeat
beantwortento answer
frühstückento have breakfast
bringento bring
gehento go
fahrento drive, to travel
aufstehento get up
aufwachento wake up
sitzento sit
fernsehento watch TV
einkaufento shop
anfangento begin, to start
beginnento begin, to start
aufhörento stop, to quit
aufmachento open
zumachento close
anmachento turn on (electronic)
ausmachento turn off (electronic)
unterschreibento sign
feiernto celebrate
gratulierento congratulate
zeigento show
weggehento leave, to go away
es gibtthere is, there are
besuchento visit
schlafento sleep
einschlafento fall asleep
mitkommento come along
mitbringento bring along
mitnehmento take along
kaufento buy
verkaufento sell
telefonierento telephone, to call
anrufento call (on the phone)
vorlesento read aloud
markierento mark
ankreuzento tick, to check off
übento practice
Hausaufgaben machento do homework
gebento give
warten (auf)to wait (for)
heiratento marry
Rad fahrento ride a bike
Radio hörento listen to the radio
reisento travel
schwimmento swim
schlafento sleep
fehlento be missing, to lack
wandernto hike
sich ausruhento rest
regnento rain
schneiento snow
scheinento shine
anhaltento stop
parkento park
rauchento smoke
fotografierento take photographs
bleibento stay
übernachtento stay overnight
abwaschento wash up, to rinse
dankento thank
reservierento reserve
buchento book
druckento print
beschreibento describe
hingehento go there
laufento run, to walk
mitfahrento go along
treffento meet, to encounter
tunto do
weitergehento continue (walking)
weiterlesento continue (reading)
weiterfahrento continue (driving)
wiederkommento come back
zurückkommento come back
zurückfahrento drive back
zurückfliegento fly back
zurückgebento give back
anschauento watch, to look at
einziehento move in
erlaubento allow, to permit
müssento have to, must
könnento be able to
wollento want
dürfento be allowed to
sollenshould, to be supposed to
abgebento hand in, to submit
badento bathe
benutzento use
dauernto last, to take time
anklickento click
bedeutento mean
buchstabierento spell
glaubento believe
liebento love
reparierento repair
riechento smell, to sniff
an seinto be on (electronic)
aus seinto be off (electronic)
auf seinto be open (door, window)
zu seinto be closed (door, window)
krank seinto be sick
german verbs for A1 and their English translations

Remember, learning a language is a process that takes time and patience. This list is a stepping stone to help you learn beginner German.

As long as you keep working regularly and consistently to learn the language, you will see progress.

We hope this list will help you on your learning German journey and contribute to improving your language skills. Enjoy your reading and have a successful learning experience!

Which German verb was the first one you learned? Don’t forget to write in the comments below!

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